Monday, August 4, 2014

Falcon Camp: Soaring for Greatness

Cabins built from the ground's trees.
Speechless. Just speechless. I know the redundancy of me telling you how wonderful all of these camps were, but Falcon Camp, in Carrollton Ohio, is one rare find. My journey began on what seemed like an endless dirt road which led to the grounds of the camp. I jumped out of my car and met Dave Devey -the camp director- who graciously shook my hand. I asked that he show me what specific things, places, or characteristics make Falcon Camp unique.My findings are as follows:

First, we explored the cabins. I know what you’re thinking… “Once you've seen one cabin,you've seen them all.” But these peaked my interest.That's because Dave cut down the trees growing on the grounds, made his own lumber, and built a cabin - equipped with handcrafted wooden bunk beds, on the same spot that he cut took the trees from.

Second, he led me to Leesville Lake- the camp's man-made lake that is shaped like a horseshoe. Other than being the best Muskie fishing lake in Ohio, this is where campers can paddle board, sail, swim, canoe, and even participate in log rolling; something I've always wanted to do!

Leesville Lake's log roll.
Next, Dave told me how the campers involved with theater and drama wanted to build a bridge for the upcoming production. At first, he was hesitant, wondering if the cost was worth it; however, he knew that it could double as an actual bridge for crossing the creek so he gave them the “go ahead.”

A handcrafted bridge.
Lastly, Dave shared with me Falcon Camp’s motto: “Fun for now, skills for life.” Dave was positively adamant about how much he values the growth of campers: something that he didn't have to tell me for me to figure out. By that, I mean that it was clear that he truly loves what he does and genuinely cares for each and every person at Falcon Camp. I can easily say that I felt more than welcomed at Falcon Camp. The hospitality and conversations I've had with not only the staff, but the campers were priceless. I don’t think that I've ever met more mature teenagers in my life. So, I want to sincerely thank Dave and Falcon Camp for allowing me to experience such a wonderful camp for a day!

Thank you!

-The Girl with the Red Umbrella

1 comment:

  1. a wonderful way to grow up - summer at Falcon
