Tuesday, September 25, 2012

"Benching" Creativity

Keeping an open mind when designing even the most basic camp necessities, like a bench, can make a big difference.  "A spot along a path where two campers become best friends," as quoted from Domokur's own Greg Copeland, makes a bench more than just a place to sit.  Rescue a fallen tree, repurpose some old stones or get innovative with a seating style . . . think outside the box.  

The photo above shows a bench at YMCA Camp Sequoia Lake and the one to the right is located nearby at Grant Grove in the Sequoia National Forest.  The photo below shows two of our employees taking a break on two “stargazing benches” while working at Camp Sequoia Lake. With ideas and designs like these the seating is not only functional but also becomes a conversation piece.  Think of what will work best for your camp: a simple slab bench, a bench without a back, something weather resistant or one with all-natural materials found on-site.  

There are millions of options and there isn't a right answer.  Camps should never feel like they are stuck with something conventional - construct whatever works best for your camp and celebrate it!

Have some interesting ideas or photos of benches you've come across?  Let us know so we can share the inspiration!

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