Friday, October 5, 2012

Sustainable Site Planning

The land surrounding your camp is equally as important to make sustainable as your built structures. Here is a brief rundown of how you can strive to make your site healthier for your guests and for the environment.

Building Placement:
-Orient Buildings to take advantage of solar, natural light, ventilation and shading
-Reduce site disturbance: build in already disturbed areas
-Design with topography
-Maintain natural flow of water on site
-Reduce soil erosion

Maintain/Improve Water Quality:
-Manage Stormwater
-Utilize Low Impact Design Practices (LID)- Rain Gardens, Bioswales and Permeable Pavement
-Windmills for aeration- This system drives air into two aerators at the bottom of the pond to improve the level of oxygen quality of the water

Water Conservation:
Capture and re-use as much water as possible by utilizing using cisterns, rain barrels, etc.

-Use for shading and wind blocks
-Utilize green roofs for rainwater absorption
-Utilize native and low maintenance plants
-Removal of invasive species using a controlled burn for habitat restoration
-Removal of invasive species along lake edge
-Consider reducing lawn areas with native plantings In areas where appropriate- mow buffers along pathways and road edges only

Use full cut-off light fixtures to reduce light pollution

Land Conservation:
Conservation Easements
    -Income Tax Savings
    -Transition & Estate Planning
    -Raise Capital

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