Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Going Going Gone Green

"Going green” is something that we have all heard, but what does it mean for your camp? Here are a few simple questions that can get your camp moving in the green direction…

First, does your camp have a 'green team'? Does your team include campers, counselors, program staff, or administrative staff?

Were you raised in a barn?! Close the door and turn off the lights when you leave a building. Sounds simple, but it adds up. Try adding signage to remind campers and staff to turn off the lights.
• Are campers accountable for turning off the lights when cabins are not in use?
• Is there signage to remind people to turn off lights?
• Does your camp use CFLs (compact fluorescent light bulbs)?
• Do you regulate thermostat settings in all camp buildings?

In case you haven’t heard, everything at camp is a competition. Start a zero food waste challenge between cabins or units to reduce the waste at camp.
• Does your camp have a recycling program?
• Does your camp have a composting program?
• Does your camp have a food waste program?

Camps use a large amount of water but… that doesn't mean that you can't reduce water waste!) Low-flow showerheads and toilets can significantly reduce the amount of water used.
• Does your camp have auto on/off devices for faucets?
• Does your camp have low-flow toilets?
• Does your camp use low-flow showerheads?
• Does your collect rain water?
• Does your camp remind campers to turn off the water when they brush their teeth?
• Do you time campers' showers?
• Do you use waterless urinals or composting toilets?
• Could you use rooftop solar water heaters for the cabins?

Rooftop solar water heaters
In the Office
Is your registration process paperless? Save paper and filing time by moving towards electronic registration.
Are your parent/camper handbooks online?

Chances are good that you are already practicing many of these ideas. What’s your next step? Share with us in the comments below!

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